How to Avoid Fake Vapes?

Did you ever run into a fake product before? Maybe you found a designer handbag or some other product at a price that seemed too good to be true. Despite your concerns, you could not pass up the opportunity, but when you took the item home and examined it more closely, you discovered it was actually counterfeit. Fake products are everywhere these days. Even a Lost Mary vape can be counterfeit. Now, the real question is – how can you identify fake vapes? How Can You Identify a Counterfeit Product? At the moment, some of the best initiatives to prevent fake vapes come from the vaping industry itself. However, it is inevitable for at least one or two counterfeit products to end up in local shops and online stores. Fortunately, there are ways to determine whether a vape device is genuine or not. 1. Low-Quality Cardstock One of the most common characteristics of fake vapes is that the packages often look old and beat up, even if the products look new. That is because the m...