How to Avoid Fake Vapes?
Did you ever run into a fake product before? Maybe you found a designer handbag or some other product at a price that seemed too good to be true. Despite your concerns, you could not pass up the opportunity, but when you took the item home and examined it more closely, you discovered it was actually counterfeit. Fake products are everywhere these days. Even a Lost Mary vape can be counterfeit.
How Can You Identify a Counterfeit Product?
At the moment, some of the best initiatives to prevent fake vapes come from the vaping industry itself. However, it is inevitable for at least one or two counterfeit products to end up in local shops and online stores. Fortunately, there are ways to determine whether a vape device is genuine or not.
1. Low-Quality Cardstock
One of the most common characteristics of fake vapes is that the packages often look old and beat up, even if the products look new. That is because the makers of counterfeit devices often pack the products in flimsy cardstock to cut corners.
2. Poor Print Quality
Another major difference between real and fake vapes is that the print quality on the fake products is often noticeably poorer compared to the legitimate products. That is because the makers do not have the original digital templates used to create legitimate products. That means the counterfeiters either have to use scans of the original packages of Lost Mary vape devices or try to recreate the digital assets from scratch. In any case, the packaging will not be the same. The package of a fake vape will often appear blurry or washed out, or the fonts will be incorrect.
3. Incorrect Nicotine Warning
In almost every region where vaping products are legal and regulated by the government, the products are required to display prominent nicotine warnings on their packages. These warnings almost always look the same from one product to the next. If an item has a nicotine warning that appears different or has no nicotine warning at all, know that it is probably fake.
Also Read: Best Vape Flavors to Help You Quit
4. Poor Fit & Finish
Disposable vapes are extremely popular as they are inexpensive and convenient to use. Also, you have to replace the device after using it for a few days. Naturally, you will be less likely to notice a fake disposable vape. Fake disposables are manufactured particularly for those reasons. As they are manufactured so cheaply, it is particularly likely for fake disposable vapes to have issues with their fit and finish, such as misaligned parts or peeling paint.
5. Does Not Taste or Feel Right
If there is a specific vaping product that you buy regularly, such as a certain disposable vape or e-liquid flavor, you will know the moment you purchase it. How? It will not taste the same. You should also pay attention to the way you feel when you use the device, especially if you have concerns about its authenticity. Stop using the product immediately if something does not feel right.
Final Thoughts
Maybe you have noticed in many cases that a vaping product has a QR code that you can scan to navigate directly to that company’s device authentication page. If you have concerns about the authenticity of a Lost Mary vape, you should navigate to the manufacturer’s website manually because some fake devices have fake QR codes.
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