Try Sub-Ohm Vaping for an Incredible Experience

 Veteran vapers showcase large vape mods and tanks full of vape juice that look like wonders of engineering! They often talk about sub-ohm tanks. As a rookie, the only thing you do is stand back with an awestruck expression as they blow out large plumes of milky-white vapor. It’s the magic of sub-ohm vaping!

After you finish your practice sessions with disposable or pods vapes and geek bar flavors, you too can move on to the next phase. For many conventional vapers, sub-ohm vaping may seem like it has a class of its own, but if you get into it, sooner or later, you’ll be vaping like a pro, too.

First, however, check out why you should try sub-ohm tanks!

1. The Real Flavor

The best e-liquids usually have complex undertones of flavor. By using a sub-ohm tank, you can experience all those subtleties. In a standard tank, an apple-flavored vape will give you vague notes of the fruit, but in a sub-ohm tank, every complexity will come into play. Whether it’s the tangy sweetness of a baked granny smith apple, the spiciness of cinnamon sugar, or the buttery taste of the golden-brown crust, all flavors will come out with every draw.

2. Cloud Hugger

You probably won’t be enveloped by clouds with disposable vapes with geek bar flavors, but with a sub-ohm tank, you’ll feel as if you’re wrapped by them, even with your feet on the ground. The right tank will allow you to blow out large plumes of vapor with the tiniest of drags. These clouds are perfect for practicing vape tricks, competing in cloud-chasing competitions, or even concealing your escape from unwanted company.

3. A Warm, Fuzzy Feeling

Sub-ohm tanks yield very warm vapor. Manufacturers design them for taking straight-to-lung hits. This style of drawing gives you a smoother, more satisfying hit in your chest than the conventional mouth-to-lung draw that focuses on intense throat hits.

4. The Power to Control Temperature

Have you ever adjusted the temperature of your coil to fit your specific preferences? You probably didn’t because you’ve been using disposable devices. Once you shift to sub-ohm tanks, the ability to control temperature may seem like black magic to you! Temperature-control coils offer a fantastic way to control everything, from the warmth of the vapor to the intensity of the flavor.

5. Joining the Community

A disposable device can’t accommodate more than 70% vegetable glycerin. So, if you’ve been thinking about max VG, forget it! Users of sub-ohm tanks may seem a little snooty at times about their complicated setups, but the truth is that they have a reason to behave that way. Some of the best e-liquid blends come only in max VG. If you don’t have a sub-ohm tank yet, you can’t enjoy max VG flavors!

Find Your Spot

Moving up in the world of vaping means shifting to sub-ohm tanks from disposable vapes and geek bar flavors. When the time comes, you’ll take the step too! Sub-ohm tanks will give you large amounts of warm, flavorful vapor.

Once you get your hands on the first sub-ohm tank, remember to go through the instructions. Remember to use the right coil and prime the wick for an impeccable vaping experience.


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