Brand-New Vape Not Working – What Will You Do?
So, you have just unpacked a new disposable vape, and you are looking forward to sitting down and enjoying a session of vaping the geek bar flavors you bought. When you puff on the device, however, nothing happens. Your brand-new product is not working, and maybe it is not even blinking when you try to use it. What could be the reason?
Properly Unpacked
Start by making sure you unpacked the vape properly. A disposable vape usually holds around 2ml of e-liquid, but others hold much more. With such a large volume of liquid in the device, it is important to ensure it will not leak. You also need to stop the device from activating while it is in the package, which would potentially cause overheating.
Look for Leaks
Despite the best efforts of the manufacturers, it is still possible for a disposable vape to leak in the package, maybe due to accidental overfilling or a change in air pressure during transportation. If the liquid floods the interior of the device, it could potentially contaminate the internal electronics and cause a short circuit. If you purchase a brand-new disposable vape that does not work and you see signs of a leak, you can be sure the vape is most likely dead.
How You Hold It
If you are trying to use a brand-new product featuring new geek bar flavors that you have never bought or tasted before, it is worthwhile to look at the layout of the gadget, especially if you cannot pull air through it. Look for the intake holes, as well as how you hold it when you vape, because it will not work if you are covering the intake holes with your hand. In most instances, a disposable device’s intake vents are at the bottom.
Puff a Little Harder
Most disposable vapes are designed to create vapor automatically when you puff on them. An airflow sensor does that job, causing the device to turn on when air travels through the device. If you have a brand-new disposable vape that is not generating vapor, not blinking, or lighting up when you draw air through it, it is possible that the airflow sensor is not as sensitive as it should be or that the device’s airflow is blocked by a clog. Try puffing a little harder than normal.
Recharge the Battery
Is it a rechargeable vape? Does it have a USB port? If it does, the battery is rechargeable. While a disposable vape should always come out of the box with a fully charged battery, there is a small chance the device you are using may have self-discharged when it was in the package. The probability of self-discharge increases the longer the device remains in storage.
Return It
Apart from the steps described above, try opening the adjustable airflow holes if the device has them. You should also examine the product for misaligned parts or whether the product is authentic. If none of these methods and approaches work, you are probably going to have to wait to enjoy geek bar flavors, as you have to return the product to the seller and get a new one.
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